This is a test: Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party. The many in choosing a life fit for cattle exhibit themselves as totally slavish. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
This is a Care Home with a difference —no one turns up. Seems I have been here before everything appears confused, and, with the best intentions at heart ordinary and orderliness makes us civil and feel compelled and yet we struggle to survive and slave to escape both the commonplace and crew, with nothing to see and even less to do —everyone is a winner. This is my starting place. I am not the first, however —Dickens, Orwell, Camus, Kafka I am not .
. THE BEGINNING And it came to pass 01.05.2024 S — it’s been a while. I seldom seek favorites, an inspector might call round any minute, day or night. There is not much left to share and a notice in the hall reminds us we may be all shot for being something we’re not—she told me years ago, how right too, about words like exclusion. You can smell it in the air and imagine its stench crawling up and down your spine while a voiceless cheer softly tiptoes in your ear with a black feather thieved from a swan. We get a diplomatic pass and stand in corners out of sight during daylight— with a well-pressed binbag at the ready in case of a crisis—it rains a lot here. T Sunday, January 07, 2024 0305 GMT Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party. Which seldom, if ever, bodes well. The good ran for more ammo—God fled. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The wash hung out to dry. The many in choosing a life fit for cattle exhibit themselves as totally slavish. When a drunk takes a piss in the flakes, never fault a cow for the compliment. Aristotle was an oaf, yelled the fyr of Macedonia. The East lies another way. The fox meanwhile, lay sweetly. The sun appeared. An outline swung refreshed. *** keep in want, hundreds and thousands of hurried steps desires, dreams, and wishes blistering beneath this shameful mountain of soft snow manners are well acquainted with being our perfect waiter conquer Thee at any cost, school goodness to be no good —reconcile a fractured morality, experiment, finger the fold allow the placid to sleep sweetly, and recharge. I am the dark, all is safe. All accepted ‘love’ is deceased —awaken. D# Seldom do I even try to understand, how can this be. The futility of sense. Seems to be a rag-doll affair at best, I mean. We might surround ourselves with statues so that we may see properly, save our blindness saves the day and the big bang applause always wins the day on our behalf, and the quest for more and more means less and less. This is why romance for want of a better word right now, wanders a desert, and forever thirsts. — Me Minor, for D * I can appreciate the spread, eye candy, cookie-cutter illustration Sentiment, I dig—any bad faith can get stuffed. We come and go We want no passports here, no papers, no sly winks or noddy dogs, fallen cattle momentos, robust stickers of protest, half-cut Chicken-liver folktales— Experience and meaning trump all— something, according to wot-the-Dickens, always turns up. We should, therefore, fear no worse and expect to share the fare over a jolly fair lunch to be sure. Yes, such a needle and thread notion pleases the heart most—so is not, for the specialist. Viva El Snodgrass * Then slept well and awoke with Hedgehog on my mind. Their plight or at least what happens to them during the winter months here in the Northern Hemisphere. What would it be like for us humans to hibernate by choice, say to offset aging, illness, famine, or war, or help us negotiate long, long distances into the future? The humble Hedgehog and I set sail and went to sea in a boat . . . I am not inclined to venture outside today. Of course, I want to do well, live right, eat, and sleep the way one should. Yet collectively such things come to conspire and condemn. Whether this be with shame, guilt, or regret. Such are the advocates of my persecution, which equals failure in the eyes of the Court, a dark and dismal labyrinth of my peers. Where the final judgment of the Court is absolute. Therefore I must be found guilty, and then taken to another place, a place of execution, where the living are subsequently buried, alive. To work out the remainder of their vast fortune on life support until dead. I woke a mushroom, today.
. Wilson We’re alone castaways Here for tea having a ball From now on simply, cry Chuck * This was inspired by the 20th Century Fox movie, Cast Away, released in 2000. .
. it’s been a while, ladies got meaner lads got lower, kids a lot bigger, dogs more hungry we shut the din and daylight down to a chink by the sink — power to the people. Yeah, bro, save your ammo so I done birthed again, sick of abortion — ceiling drips like cheap oil paint. Elk looks pretty good, still Tall Tree * It costs about $70 to travel by train from Barcelona like a tribal churl among the mustbeseen fashionistas. I bet myself a cot with a curtain in a corner that Paris would no longer wall a river with lefty billboards and the distant smell of rainy-day java was best served just like any other fast-food enterprise. And I wasn’t all that wrong either— So, the key question is always: Where to next? The valid and legitimate, notwithstanding. We’re either in or out. Around here, nobody has time to get unravelled or spare a dime. This is how it is: We appear unwashed and so the wardrobe with us must come from Madrid! They say Munich would be a safer bet, yet shall prove to be just more of the same, who cares? Later. then— Say Wot: Passport - Papers - or Else *** 1965 It’s flappy-rag-day in the rainy north of the 49th parallel today, I rest my case. Vancouver is a place one or two kith jug up and down the shallows, an inlaw was near sunk on a bend, underestimation seems to be a right of passage for most sunken treasure— Combat was a jungle mile west of Singapore, a few fathoms deeper for submariners and Aussie rangers from their discreet aparthotel, maps got bigger, clueless codes more cockamamie, everywhere was a place that never was— de Gaulle woke Napolean of NATO, I showed lots of promise to a sweetheart Run Over, Over Run — Planet Earth * Most will covet the location on arrival and so start to dissemble else destroy sacks of left luggage and reminders of errant devotees, falsehoods and desires. Aspects we’re bound to share, facets that mystify us nevertheless So we stimulate and stab with our swords until swept off our feet in the storm, that unmoored gathering of stone and hidden secrets before us— And so it goes, least for Dorothea, and likes of Uncle Henry & Auntie Em We endure confusion for the sake of clarity, risk failure in the name of fluency, and we endeavour above all, to temper our everyday experiences. Which by all accounts, is one mother-of-a-rollercoaster ride — poetry ain’t posh and polite, but it is heartfelt and special Welcome to * A snapshot of our coping stone as it happens. And the affinity of such shite keeps the rest of us on our toes— The Royal Society of Literature “It’s only the latest fusillade in what seems to be something barely short of civil war in this longstanding institution. Many longstanding Fellows of the Society are deeply unhappy with the current management – principally its director, Molly Rosenberg and its chair, the poet Daljit Nagra. Everybody is briefing everybody, furious letters are circulating about leaks, and the whole thing is adding to the gaiety of nations and the public stock of harmless pleasures for popcorn-chewing onlookers, while causing considerable distress to those directly involved. ‘It’s such a clusterfuck! It’s such a clusterfuck! Everyone is falling out with everyone else,’ said one RSL Fellow I spoke to this week, with the characteristic mixture of grief and glee that attends any feud between writers.” Sam Leith, The Spectator: The feuding tearing apart the Royal Society of Literature, 17 February 2024 It’s Literacy Week or lack thereof if sheltered at the bottom of a dark and dismal path without a lantern —is a big deal. Amen School is a big word, as is instruction, and so perception We suffer fools gladly and choose to die fasting like sheep — such a State is specified as Peace, sold for whatever the market may bear 02.20.2024 * The Greatest Photo-shoot on Earth —rules on a US nude There is no forensic examination yet, but the West’s already made conclusions,” spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said, adding that “carbon-copy accusations” that came within minutes after Navalny’s death show that they must have been “prepared in advance.” This is what goes on today, said one celeb. Spread your legs a little and a million-mile-wide expose happens in the media —not all widows wear black because pornstars do, right? Done right, Done often You may figure it out one day Laugh and cry Seldom understanding, Never knowing why Stupid is as stupid does So do everybody a favour, stop digging *** Sacred Emily Speaking about pavements, not the place used by vehicles to drive over, but the patchwork of broken slabs and asphalt used as makeshift parking positions by delivery trucks and areas for an array of garden recycling and trash bins to line the streets these days with chaos and mindnumbing nasties— despite moms and kids on their way to school and the elderly on a trip to the shop, I sometimes see nothing but fields and hear a mother sing softly. *** Ciao — my pleasure I'd worry if you understood it all —transparency and clarity are a lot like religion and faith to me which is a good reason to don a pair of sensible nickers and guard the watch and wallet with your life. It turns out a primrose is not the rose one had in mind or that a rather limp one-word welcome has much ado with the comatose drunk on a doormat. So creativity is a new day in the sun for me, not everything under its domain belongs, and lots of paper-type gaiety to get wrong or else make strong. We grow weary of explanation, cliques and cliches At least I do—fukit, fukit, fukit. Such a face is a happy face—I kid you not — And you’re a one-off kinda buddy (flower power) Luv Nearby handouts to most all civic concerns have been severed now like the Orchestra, meal vouchers, coupons, clothes, and so on— Junior doctors are forced to flee and cite mental health worries and abuse issues —overworked nurses wait for Godot to show— that ignorance is strength. And that a trillion-dollar war is cheap and cheerful, slavery sets you free. * I wonder too, oftentimes Cheers to progress whoever speaks will be blessed — unbound, so it is said, so it is writ. Welcome Tomas *
. I've gone internal for the time being being is not as fruitful as one might assume Granny Smith, THE hellraiser from heaven Me, simpleton no more; I sat on a nice round seat I got the Coastal train to Glory, empty shoreline clatter Everyone had bellied up to the bar, nothing to see there Wot I wanted something unexpected to turn up. Yet still We saw the unremarkable do nothing (scribble is good, better than being dead) .
. This is a great place to be on a rainy day such as this all heavy stones about the town are placed just so nothing neat to show here, grass left to grasp what it may weeds mostly, one or two low curbs, a different grave all I can't see any sign of kith and kin, friend or foe, neither —still, I received an invitation, RSVP, cheese and suds to follow Best look the part and come willing with a brolly, nevertheless Tom 05.22.2024 0900 BST .
. The Day After . . . seems fair to say Yet not much is fair, or just. Such impressions are bound for the pulpit At best; O come. O come! Yeah baby, a world of hurt — they all want to bury me. Alive Move on. Move on. Else die? Untried. Unforgiven. Unknown x
. had not love abandoned me — a fort shy of defence, why? not one shall ever hear, say I —while resistance claims immunity themes I still use such scribble to avoid the typical an all too fuzzy foil and little depth; said stickers in themselves not much to look at but then, without such —no alpine crisis, sun without shadow advocacy is forever an amoral assassin x
. cesspool of ambiguity festivities about The Firm abound this time of year; geoleaps over the pond, hallucinatory strolls with Faith the frog, a gust of wet dreams just so. Most of all, Hate thy neighbour bigtime, pledge plenty of plunder—so will might best be, so might shall better be. After all, it’s only silly Mr Pimple, to cite locals at the Palace. So much promise, Santa. An exquisite pantry list — gold strike & dollhouse, please. Your best forever friend Lucia Gray .
. smiley face if you insist on rapping your knuckles under the table, please keep any expression of glee to a minimum a good old fashioned: “I told you so” might be poignant about now, or how about, “Here goes yet another discounted generation — lionise the narrative from our business-as-usual Pax Britannica Ministry. Hail along the enlightened corridor with our ‘inclination’ for our wanton Hate of Mr Pimple: our penchant for porn, vanilla, whatever sacred (interests not values) might float on down the River for Beggarly Smells and Bad Hotels — and every feast night it is noted, that Jesus fled the building aeons ago. Gentlemen, THE desert awaits your pleasure abandonment . .
. ˈpäⁿ-ˌshäⁿ some adore words some spit words out in spite romance, raconteur, homage, humiliation anaphoric effects sometimes good, sometimes bad — it all depends penchant .
. today one drink away from a drunk one inexplicable reason for recklessness one unfortunate taste of remorse — a lifetime in fact clean shirts and mucky pants derelict variations on a theme or else enfeebled duty O this shadow upon the stage — act because I must so shall strut to survive do whatever it takes, to get away with so learn to pass that way somehow .
. an invisible pal is fine a secret special friend — on good days and bad lies devilishly divine watches wages and spends ‘tis off to the workhouse so, Christmas cheer Heaven sent by Guardians — pluck and good health! - 2024 - reflections of The Workhouse & New Poor Laws Why some want more - Banning Christmas Dinner - Amen courtesy: .
. There has to be attitude, something to grasp, see and feel. Except of course, for a corpse. The truth is out there for all the world. Except of course, for the likes of you and me. Around here no one lingers for long, if at all. We're all, doing our bit— usually from behind closed doors in a public convenience, out on fresh air pursuits, lunchtime walks, and some such. Together we sing because tomorrow we may be dead. What's the Hurry .
. Muse long enough and the truth shall appear. The lot is lost on the artist. The silver-lined clouds, pigs and daffodils float by in a boat much the way Jacob & Wilhelm outlined many generations since— ‘tis a grim hour. The devil we all know and fear. Superman Something about conviction and certainty sticks like toffee to our fragility, a lethal substance and a foe of all folly. Love Prophecy .
. This is not what was intended. You take on a heavy burden, a dead weight of Google et al and satisfy their cravings first, it’s a neverending battle and dead loss of hangups that continue to dominate whatever time you might have to spare or be available. A 45-minute session say might centre around umpteen reboots, security fails, and syncing issues, which might easily gobble 35 minutes or more; now we have 10 minutes left, a bathroom break or phone call demands more time and so on. This is how it goes, just so. I loathe every typical second of being a commonplace drunk. The only saving grace is the distant echoes of a little romance that filter one or two fairytales over the starlit tiles. Those ghostly mounts high above, folks on whose shoulders we safely sink and gaze from as generations have done or found a special place to dream, think on say, such exquisite happenstance, far-far away on a midsummer's night. Run, I must! .
. sufferance & surrender step out into the rain try to imagine the journey its challenges both wet and dry heights, lows, and unknowns plan to survive rather than win content, you might thrive even writ for hell might freeze over day 01.31.2025 .