Avec toi

Poetry by hawk256, Jan 30, 2025.

  1. hawk256

    hawk256 Well-Known Member

    My Father
    I want to spend my
    Whole life with you
    AIso, I want to say that
    I will always love you
    And I already know Father
    That you love me
    Without limits
    AIso, I am happy
    That I am one of your
    Living on earth
    Together with my
    Siblings that you made
    Before you made me
    In your image
    You gave me grey hair
    You also, gave me
    Brown eyes
    That I hate very much
    My Father
    Today you brought as
    The new day
    With lots of sun
    We had been thrilled
    About the sun
    AIso, it was summer any way
    That we love so much
    Father, we don't want
    To see any sign of rain in the