Because of us

Poetry by hawk256, Nov 26, 2024.

  1. hawk256

    hawk256 Member

    Because of us
    You accept God
    We mention God to you once
    First you told us to change the subject
    After we drug you to church
    You change your mind fast
    You wanted to become a part of God's
    We are happy for you
    That you are now very religious
    Like us
    We are also very religious
    We are always praying together
    With you
    Every night for God
    I know that
    My god had entered you heart
    Also you had cried out of joy
    That is ok
    We never seen you so emotional
    Also God had clean your heart
    And made it whiter than snow
    Yes friend life is very precious
    I hope you understand that
    Also we will not judge you friend
    You are a men of your word
    And you kept your world
    Also friend please take good care of your
    Don't start to smoke now
    Because if you do
    You will die of lung Cancer
    We won't to live a long life
    That is our wish for you
    We are being hard on you
    Because we want the best for you friend