Featured counting feathers

Poetry by Maria Mazzenga, Jul 4, 2023.

  1. Maria Mazzenga

    Maria Mazzenga New Member

    mourning doves made
    their nest above the porch again
    stout-hearted they are
    with their discreet
    grey and heather feathers
    eggs ready to hatch in summer heat

    don’t touch it
    I say to you, hesitating
    not knowing if you already did
    I’m leaving it this time
    you say
    a world is saved
  2. Mike Casetta

    Mike Casetta Active Member

    Many times have doves nested on my front porch. Always feel blessed when they do. Heard a long time ago not to touch nests or the parents might not return & the eggs not hatch or the babies be abandoned. Not sure if that's true but better safe than sorry!
    Maria Mazzenga likes this.
  3. Maria Mazzenga

    Maria Mazzenga New Member

    They tend to be in and out pretty quick too, Mike. I love the doves and their squatty ways.
  4. Trish Saunders

    Trish Saunders New Member

    I like doves too...more complex than we give them credit for. Lovely understated poem. So good to see you again !