
Poetry by RC James, Sep 27, 2023.

  1. RC James

    RC James New Member

    Looking back on mistakes
    and failed detours,
    there was that moment
    when it all turned timeless.

    Rhapsody in soft flesh,
    that one moment,
    two of us streaming joy
    in morning light.

    In the car,
    full moon driving us,
    we shared  
    each other’s silence
    in volumes
    printed on the landscape
    we claimed as ours.

    We were the only beings
    in the world, a burst of welcome
    to everything inside us,
    new-found wisdom
    in our bones,
    exuberance and delight
    in each other’s eyes;
    the end of longing,
    the blossoming into each other
    above yearning.

    Now, too restless for a return,
    a summons  
    to the impossible embrace
    flies by unheeded.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2023
    Jay Dougherty likes this.